“For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.” 1 Corinthians 15:22 (NIV)

God does not promise life on Earth without trials and hardships. As this verse tells us, just as Adam died, we will all die as well. Just as Adam was, we are all created in God’s image, designed for the good works He planned for us long ago (Eph. 2:10). As daughters of Adam though, we all inherited a life of sin too. But the second part of this verse promises an amazing rebirth just as Christ had when He was resurrected from the grave. 

This promise gives us so much hope for our future after death. It gives us hope for our loved ones as they pass on from this life, that they will also rise again as Jesus did. It reminds us that even as grief weighs on our shoulders, this life is not all there is. This is only a snippet of the eternal life God has for us.  

We can also be encouraged by this to do good during our life here on Earth. It should drive us to tell everyone about the Good News God has for them. We should be spreading this knowledge to everyone we encounter. This gift is not something that we are meant to hoard for ourselves. We are meant to share it. Today we want to encourage you to pray and ask God who He has purposefully placed in your life to share the Gospel with. Is it a friend, coworker, check-out clerk? Then reach out to this person, sister! No box or bow is necessary. This gift is something you can freely give, so give it freely!

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are a generous God. You have given me so much. Please give me a brave and generous heart; that I would be able to go out and spread your Good News. God, show me who you have placed in my life to bring closer to you; to be able to bless and show them who you are through me and my actions. Amen.

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