“The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.” Psalm 118:24 (NIV)

Are you ever awestruck that the God who made you and me—all the things—gives us a fresh start each day? God is the architect who designed and created every single day with a purpose. Believers see a new day as a way to view God’s handiwork from sunrise to sunset.

Today wasn’t an accident. Even if you got a flat tire on the way to work. When a flu bug derails your day. Don’t forget when you’re shorted an order of fries in the drive-thru. Stuff happens, right?

Do you have to pretend you’re thrilled to pieces when parts of your day go south?


Can our joy in the Lord prevent those speedbumps from derailing our entire day?

One hundred percent. Why?

God’s given us air in our lungs. He’s provided grace through faith. People around us need hugs, and maybe your help fixing a flat tire. It changes our perspective when we look upon a day through the lens of gladness and thanksgiving. Even when something happens that tries to steal our joy, like an email you didn’t mean to send or when that last cupcake in the breakroom is gone.

Joy is contagious. So, make sure you infuse a little bit in someone’s day with a compliment, a random act of kindness or lend an ear to listen even when you’re in a rush. It doesn’t take much to make a difference in someone’s day. It really doesn’t. So, get out there, and show others that nothing will steal your joy in the Lord. Today is the day He has made.

Go forth, be awesome and make it a joyful day, sister!

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