“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

Don’t you love it when ads for a product promise that it will solve all your needs?

It depends on the need, right? A pacifier that soothes a cranky newborn at 3:00 AM seems like the best invention ever for sleep-deprived parents. Yet even pacifiers don’t keep children happy forever.

What about the product that assures you it will help you live the life you want? If it’s the chocolate ice cream diet, I’m all in, yet I’m not sure that’s a thing. Please tell me it’s a thing!

We constantly hear messages that we need to buy more, be more and acquire more to be the best versions of ourselves. Trends change, opinions change and the world changes. So, if that’s what drives your idea of success it’s time to find another solution.

With God, we are always valued. Paul knew that and shared this message throughout this chapter in Philippians. True contentment is a result of centering your life around God. Fulfillment comes when you look up to the heavens, rather than yearning for what everyone else around you has. No matter how much is in your checking account, you can find eternal riches in a Savior who calls you just as you are.

We aren’t promised wealth. Nowhere in the Good Book does it say you’ll never worry or go without. Yet what is sworn to us, dear sister, is everything we need can be found in Jesus.

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