“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105 (NIV)

When you’re wondering about everything, you can always find your way through the Father.

From knowing where that missing sock you know you tossed into the dryer is to receiving all intel on the master plan for your life (and everything in between), God isn’t going to take out a billboard and tell you–sorry about that. We aren’t privy to the inside scoop on everything that will transpire from our first breath until our last. What He does give us, however, is a well-lit path to take steps forward in life.

Think about a headlamp in a cave or a flashlight on the darkest night. The beams provide just enough guidance to show you the way. In the same way, the light revealed to us through scripture is how we learn to follow Jesus in treacherous terrain or when too many lights clamor for our attention, and we don’t know where to look. Step by step, God shines light on your path. Day by day, you’ll learn to trust as He leads. You will uncover truths that encourage you to continue asking for His guidance.

May the words you read in the Good Book shine a bright light you can’t help but follow. The Bible is not a history book filled with fiction, or something that should act as a coaster for a cup of coffee. The Word of God is the shooting star that illuminates the road ahead.

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