“‘Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.’” Genesis 18:14 (NIV)

Waiting for a baby. Many women don’t have to wait long. Conceiving comes easily for them. For others, the road to motherhood can be paved with difficulty, desperation and despair. We see in the book of Genesis that Sarah knew this pain intimately.


Sarah’s battle with infertility lasted decades. After being promised that she would give birth to Abraham’s son, her patience with God became thin. She was done waiting.


Sarah asked Abraham to sleep with her servant, Hagar. Abraham did so, even though he knew God had promised a son would be born to his wife. I can’t imagine the tears. The begging and pleading that may have happened to convince him that this was the only way to bring a child into their lives. Sarah’s doubt and disbelief in God left her with a plan that faltered. Hagar disappeared. Sarah and Abraham were left childless.


God’s word is absolute. And after more than a decade of time passed after Sarah’s misstep into disobedience, her son Isaac was born.


God remained. He didn’t abandon His promise. Even though Sarah disregarded the word of God, He didn’t take away the gift. Instead, God gave Sarah His immeasurable grace while waiting for her to fall on Him for all her needs. God creates what’s possible out of the improbable.

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