Could you imagine if God said, “Yeah, they’re good enough. I’m done,” after creating us?
Thankfully, He didn’t.
Some days we feel “good enough,” and on others we find it impossible to measure up to expectations. It’s overwhelming. Rather than wither in the blistering heat and under the pressure of our world, we can fall into the restful shade of God’s love. It’s there we find strength to flourish and blossom into being our best selves for Him.
Life can feel dry and empty when we attempt getting by on our own. Trudging along with our everyday tasks: hit the snooze button, traipse off to work with a little caffeine, pay endless bills and then return to a bustling home. Without a calling to something bigger and better, without a way to renew our spirit and faith, it can feel like just another empty day.

If we’re pretty good as is, there would’ve been no need to send a Savior. We wouldn’t need an assist to live eternally and abundantly in this lifetime while drawing closer to Him. God provides limitless possibilities of growth through faith. Take hold of the strength and grit found by dwelling in His shade, then go forth and shine.
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