Famed poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The world belongs to the energetic.” Boy, was he right! We all need a stable supply of energy to survive, progress and thrive in life—perhaps now more than ever in these hectic, fast-paced times.
Making homemade bread from scratch may seem like an antiquated practice, but it is well worth it. We promise that you won’t regret it. Not only does it produce delicious and fresh comfort food, but it can be a relaxing activity that bodes an incredible aroma in your home. Making bread can be a family activity or a soothing self-care practice. Here is an easy method to follow with some important tips to ensure you get a perfect slice of bread every time your soul needs it. Jesus is the bread of life, so no wonder it’s so delicious!
Stress has been on the menu ever since life started serving struggle, and that entrée dates all the way back to Adam and Eve's big mistake in the Garden of Eden. Since then, stress has reared its ugly head every time there's a problem we need to solve, an obstacle we need to overcome or an unwanted task we need to complete.
We can all look back and remember eating out of emotional necessity. With all the ups and downs of hormones through our monthly cycle, pregnancy, nursing, perimenopause and menopause, it is no wonder we keep that box of hidden chocolates in our dresser drawer or in our desk at work. Sometimes you just need to sneak a bite of that sweet and delicious chocolate nugget that just melts in your mouth. We’ve all been there.
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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a marathon, not a sprint. And no one said you couldn’t walk a marathon! You don’t have to be running miles and miles a day to have a positive impact on your health. The simple activity of walking lends a myriad of health benefits.
Dating at any age comes with its ups and downs but after 50, it may start to feel more challenging. Don’t worry! We’re here with plenty of tips to go into this season of your life with confidence and positivity.
It’s hard to process our own mortality, let alone talk about our death with those it will impact the most. But preparing for the end of your life is the greatest gift you can give those you leave behind.
Whether you’re stuck at work, visiting your parents for the week or on a business trip, check out these travel-friendly bodyweight workouts.
Thinking about heading into the wild blue yonder all by yourself? There are many reasons to travel alone. Maybe you've yet to find the right person to vacation with or you can't seem to align your time off with your usual travel companions. Maybe you just want to spend quality alone time with a person who needs your attention—you.
Did you know there’s a secret to living a meaningful life? Not a cheap trick or dubious shortcut, but a surefire, honest-to-God method for finding fulfillment?
Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Pair that with the psychologically compelling ritual of lighting up a smoke, and you've got one nasty habit to break.
Being long-distance from your significant other may not last forever, but it can feel like a huge burden on your here-and-now. If your partner isn’t in the same ZIP code, timezone or hemisphere as you, here are a few lessons you can both learn that will serve your relationship well once you’re reunited.
Spring Into Action!
Spring is a time of growth, change and invigoration. As the weather changes, move your health forward by scheduling a screening mammogram. Inspiring Women members who schedule their mammogram in the month of May will receive a coupon for a FREE bracelet at their appointment.
Get a Screening – Starting at $49
Early detection and treatment saves lives. Schedule a colonoscopy, mammogram, lung or heart scan today!
*Must meet certain criteria. See if you qualify.
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