6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV)

What’s troubling you today?

Your career?
A tricky decision?
A relationship that has taken a turn?

This verse is a beautiful and essential reminder for us all, especially those who follow Jesus and struggle with worry. Yet, we do not have to read between the lines of this passage to understand the message.

Throw your troubles, doubts, anxieties and pain upon God.

God shows up and steps in because we were not made to carry what ails us alone. When we keep it bottled up inside rather than share what’s going on, our worries create more things to worry about. Although God knows what keeps you up at night, He wants you to share it with Him.

Peter also tells us something about God’s character in the scripture above. It’s simple: God cares for you. As we express what’s happening in our hearts to God, we permit Him to work in our lives. When we come to Him with open hands and hearts, His mighty hands hold us close. When we stop trying to control everything God can really get to work in our lives.

Sister, He cares about your daily struggles and the ones that arrive like a thief in the night and keep you pacing. Don’t avoid it, negotiate with it or try to solve it alone. Let God’s peace set your heavy heart free.

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