“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Mark 8:36 (NIV)

Can you calculate your worth? Do you know what value you hold? Is there anything you feel is more valuable than your soul?

When we take our last breath, our spirit doesn’t become ash or dust. It lives on in the presence of God for eternity. Flesh will fail, yet our spirit—the real you—remains. It’s where intentions and aspirations live. Where hopes and dreams coexist alongside thoughts and passions. It’s the real you, and the real you is worth everything to God.

The more time we spend with God and devote ourselves to His word, the more it shapes our thoughts–changing how we move through the world. Scripture can heal wounds and stitch together broken souls. It can help us think critically about why we do what we do and reflects our innermost selves. God’s word allows our spirits to grow and mature in ways we never imagined.

One day, our souls will unite with the Great I Am. We will be perfected in His presence and be blameless in his sight. Sin will have no hold on us. The world offers nothing that can compare to what we will have eternally in Jesus. Today’s wealth, power and self-proclaimed glory can’t hold a candle to spending the rest of our days in Heaven. The cost? Missing true joy in communion with our Father in Heaven. Is it worth it?

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