“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

Some of us feel we must be good at “all the things.” Like relationships, our career, perfectly organized pantries, being the best Sunday school teacher ever, never spending more than the monthly budget dictates, etc. That’s what the world tells us we should do. Yet this verse in Proverbs is very clear about what should have our complete attention: the fear of the Lord.

Fearing God doesn’t mean cowering in the corner or being frightened by the idea of Him catching you in the act of wrongdoing to smite you. Think of “fear of the Lord” as a healthy respect. Understand that His ways are good, infallible and trustworthy. God is God, and—spoiler alert—we are not. He provides us with His wisdom to keep us from falling on our faces so we can learn from Him just as a child would look up to their own father.

The book of Proverbs talks a lot about foolishness, doesn’t it? It warns against it because it can lead to destruction. Even Jesus said those who do not follow His words, nor put them into practice, are no better than someone who builds their house upon sand.

So, how can you practice gaining wisdom? Revere God. Ask His counsel before making decisions. Choose humility over pride. Think of yourself less and others more. Those are just for starters. And the more you listen and lean into wisdom, your house will find itself on the solid Rock.

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