Raise your hand if you like to be in control.
It’s difficult to trust others when you’re not sure if you can. Maybe you love planning an event to the nines without any assistance. After all, you know how you want the evening to flow. It’s simpler if you manage dinner rather than delegate chopping or grilling to your husband who isn’t that handy around the stove. The last time you asked your daughter to start a load of white laundry, an escapee red t-shirt turned the entire load pink. That was the end of that.
It appears Eve found it hard to trust, too. When tempted by the serpent to indulge in the luscious fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Eve didn’t seem to doubt the snake much. Could it be because Eve didn’t fully trust God?
When we listen to the whispers of the world and stray into unbelief, it leads us off course and away from God. Disobedience is simply not following the rules. That’s what Eve did. And the consequences of her decision to regard a voice that was not God’s changed Eve, Adam and the entire world.
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