What did Jesus write in the sand when confronted by the Pharisees who paraded a woman caught in the act of adultery before the Great Teacher? Did He write the sins of those demanding the fate of this woman? Did Jesus write the names of her accusers next to their transgressions?
Why was just the woman brought to Jesus? Doesn’t it take two to commit adultery? According to the old law, both parties should have been brought for judgement. Those demanding an answer from Jesus broke that statute. None of her accusers cast the first stone. Nor did they ask for forgiveness or mercy from their sins. Instead, they turned on their heels and left as Jesus scribed in the sand.
Our conscience—the God voice—works to remind us what is right, good and true. No one is without fault. We all deserve judgement for our sins. Jesus was the only perfect man to walk the earth. Rather than shame this woman, He forgave her. Redeemed her. Just as she wasn’t hopelessly defined by her sins, neither are we.
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