“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6 (NIV)

Think back to the last time you worked towards a goal. Maybe it was a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier, or maybe it was as simple as not hitting the snooze button every morning. Most goals start with the best of intentions. To provide a better life or world to those around us. Most people do not set out to cause harm when looking to change the world. Somewhere along the path, though, people allow their flesh to start guiding them. Slowly but surely, they start to make decisions based on selfish desires instead of continuously praying for the Spirit’s guidance. The goal to eat healthier turns into a constant unhealthy battle with the scale. Or the goal to wake up on time becomes a battle of self-pity for not sleeping enough.

This is one reason daily devotion time is so important. It helps to keep our hearts focused on what God has in store for us.  

One of our goals at Inspiring Women is to help our community live in accordance with the Spirit. No matter the goal, we encourage you to seek the Spirit’s guidance. Think about a goal you have set for yourself, and pray over it today. Carve out time daily to seek the Spirit. Sister, our God is the ultimate Creator. He knows the true goals of your heart.  So trust Him to guide you in those goals. Seeking His desires is sure to bring you peace.

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