11For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12 (NIV)

Angels are looking out for you.

Like, when you stepped off the curb into the street and someone pulled you back just in time, but when you looked, no one was behind you. Or when you had a flat tire, someone stopped to help. But just like that, they were gone before you could thank them. Or how about catching that piece of moldy bread right before you bite into your sandwich? God is in the details, friends!

God protects us 24/7. He has charged the cherubim and seraphim to intercede for us regardless of what may come. They have been given charge over us because God’s protection is absolute. It was even there for Jesus when He was tempted.

Remember when the evil one quoted Psalm 91:11-12 to Jesus? In Matthew 4:5-7, Satan casually suggested that Jesus throw Himself off the top of the temple because He would be fine if He were who He claimed to be. If angels were on the lookout, they’d save Him. That’s when the Great Teacher reminded the serpent not to test the Lord your God: another important command in the Scriptures.

Let’s be clear: we are not promised to always be healthy or out of harm’s way. Troubles and afflictions will come our way. Yet you can be encouraged that a fleet of heavenly souls is fighting for you, led by the most powerful, the Lord of Hosts, our Father God.

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