Feeling burnt out? Are you tired of constantly taking care of others and having no time for yourself?
Whether you made a cup of joe in your kitchen or ran through the drive-thru for a brew from your favorite barista this morning, both methods of caffeinating were brought to you by technology. But while tech and science are universal and unite all of us, they are also fields where the gender divide continues.
Kim Becker’s Story of Faith, Cancer and Calling
In this polarized and fast-paced world, it can be easy to forget how only a century ago, many women lacked the political power to share their beliefs and express their opinions through the ballot and in governing bodies across our nation. So, take this moment to reflect on the progress we have made and the future we can build when women step into civic life.
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Colder weather often gives way to more mundane days. Where people once laid out to catch some sun has frozen over. Where there once was a line for ice cream cones has closed for the season. Days are now filled with portable heaters blasting under work desks. Blankets strewn across beds to trap what little heat is left. The sun makes its occasional appearance, but it always runs off early, trying to catch up with the fleeting summer.
Ask any mother, teacher or childcare provider and they’ll tell you that after days of endless rain, kids are downright restless. I know no matter how much time my kids spend playing inside, it just isn’t the same as being outdoors.
The first categories that come to mind when considering what impacts overall health and wellness are almost always diet and exercise. There is a good reason for this—they are key contributors. But people often overlook the importance of sleep.
Stay active in each phase of life
Scars are part of our life stories. Internal or external reminders of where we’ve been, what we’ve endured and how we became who we are today. The healing process from scars is different for everyone. For some, healing is a process that takes time, energy and in some cases, forgiveness.
In a world where kids are bombarded with images of perfection and prestige, how can mothers provide positive and powerful messages to their children that help shape them into well-adjusted adults?
In a world where we’re constantly plugged into each other and workaholics are praised, it becomes easy to fall into the rut of daily routines. Skirting children off to school, kissing spouses on the way out the door and squeezing in eight-hour work days all happen without much thought. That said, when was the last time you stopped to think about the “why” behind what you’re doing?
If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that life refuses to give us one thing… More time.
Spring Into Action!
Spring is a time of growth, change and invigoration. As the weather changes, move your health forward by scheduling a screening mammogram. Inspiring Women members who schedule their mammogram in the month of May will receive a coupon for a FREE bracelet at their appointment.
Get a Screening – Starting at $49
Early detection and treatment saves lives. Schedule a colonoscopy, mammogram, lung or heart scan today!
*Must meet certain criteria. See if you qualify.
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