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The Beauty in The Struggle

Kim Becker’s Story of Faith, Cancer and Calling

In this polarized and fast-paced world, it can be easy to forget how only a century ago, many women lacked the political power to share their beliefs and express their opinions through the ballot and in governing bodies across our nation. So, take this moment to reflect on the progress we have made and the future we can build when women step into civic life.

If you are struggling to get pregnant, have painful and irregular periods, notice an increasing amount of facial hair or experience acne breakouts like never before, you may be dealing with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Women in Prison

How rehabilitation and education are making a difference for women in the carceral system

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Whether you’re a working woman or the CEO of your household, you juggle many important things throughout the day. Mornings are defined by to-do lists, afternoons by surprise emails or stinky diapers, and evenings run rampant with dinner plans, bath times and laundry baskets. So, how do you keep yourself from burning out?

The Show Must Go On

Tracy DeGraaf’s story of hope and healing

Colder weather often gives way to more mundane days. Where people once laid out to catch some sun has frozen over. Where there once was a line for ice cream cones has closed for the season. Days are now filled with portable heaters blasting under work desks. Blankets strewn across beds to trap what little heat is left. The sun makes its occasional appearance, but it always runs off early, trying to catch up with the fleeting summer.

Ask any mother, teacher or childcare provider and they’ll tell you that after days of endless rain, kids are downright restless. I know no matter how much time my kids spend playing inside, it just isn’t the same as being outdoors.

The first categories that come to mind when considering what impacts overall health and wellness are almost always diet and exercise. There is a good reason for this—they are key contributors. But people often overlook the importance of sleep.

Movement vs. Exercise

Stay active in each phase of life

The Strength of Our Scars

Scars are part of our life stories. Internal or external reminders of where we’ve been, what we’ve endured and how we became who we are today. The healing process from scars is different for everyone. For some, healing is a process that takes time, energy and in some cases, forgiveness.

The Power of Moms

In a world where kids are bombarded with images of perfection and prestige, how can mothers provide positive and powerful messages to their children that help shape them into well-adjusted adults?


to Tickled Teal with
Special Guest Karen Mills

Any Inspiring Women member who registers to attend this event by May 10th, will be eligible to win one of two VIP packages.